PAIA Manual

PAIA Manual

Gen Leads (Pty) Ltd trading as AgriOnline
Registration Number of Company: 2019/068889/07
Manual in terms of Section 51 of The Promotion of Access to Information Act no. 2 of 2000 (the “ACT”)


1. Introduction
2. Contact Details
3. The ACT and Section 10 Guide
4. Availability of Manual
5. Notice(s) in Terms of Section 52(1) of the Act
6. Applicable Legislation
7. Schedule of Records
8. Other Information
9. Form of Request
10.Prescribed Fees

1. Introduction
AgriOnline (PTY) Limited conducts business as an Online Marketing Company.
We provide an easy way for people visiting our website to buy and sell their goods as an online marketplace.
This Manual serves to assist potential requesters as to the procedure to be followed when requesting access to information in terms of the Act.
This Manual will be updated from time to time, as and when required.

2. Contact Details (Section 51 (1) (a))
Name of body AgriOnline (PTY) Limited
Chief Executive Officer (Or Directors) Deo Botha
The appointed information officer Deo Botha
Street Address 81 Fourie Street
Ermelo, Mpumalanga
Telephone Number 0170040212

3. The ACT and Section 10 Guide (Section 51(1) (b))
3.1 The ACT grants a requester access to records of a private body, if the record is required for the exercise or protection of any rights.
If a public body lodges a request, the public body must be acting in the public interest.

3.2 Requests in terms of the ACT shall be made in accordance with the prescribed procedures, at the rates provided.
The forms and tariff are dealt with in paragraphs 6 and 7 of the Act.

3.3 Requesters are referred to the Guide in terms of Section 10 which has been compiled by the South African Human Rights Commission, which will contain
information for the purposes of exercising Constitutional Rights.
The Guide is available from the SAHRC website at

The contact details of the Commission are:
Postal Address Private Bag 2700, Houghton, 2041
Telephone Number +27-11-877 3600
Fax Number +27-11-403 0625

The Information Regulator will assume the duties of the SAHRC from 01 July 2021.

The contact details of the Information Regulator are:
Physical Address JD House, 27 Stiemens Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001
Complaints Email
General Enquiries Email

4. Availability of Manual
A copy of this Manual is available:
• At our office at 81 Fourie Street, Ermelo, Mpumalanga during normal business hours.
• On request from our Information officer
• On our website:

5. Notice(s) in Terms of the Act (Section 51 (1) (c))
No notice(s) have been published.

6. Applicable Legislation (Section 51 (1) (d))
No Ref Act
1 No 71 of 2008 Companies Act
2 No 75 of 1997 Basic Conditions of Employment Act
3 No 25 of 2002 Electronic Communications and Transactions Act
4 No 2 of 2000 Promotion of Access of Information Act
5 No 4 of 2013 Protection of Personal Information Act
• Please note that this is not an exhaustive list.

7. Schedule of Records (Section 51 (1) (e))
We hold records in the categories listed below. The fact that we list a record type here does not necessarily mean that we will disclose such records, and all access is subject to the evaluation processes outlined herein, which will be exercised in accordance with the requirements of the Act.

• Media Releases
• Financial Statements
• Financial and Tax Records (Company & Employees)
• Asset Register
• Standard Employment Contracts
• Human Resources Policies and Procedures
• Market Information
• Field Records
• Performance Records
• Marketing Strategies
• User Details
• Records provided by User
• Franchise Documents

8. Other Information (Section 51 (1) (f))
No other information was prescribed.

9. Form of Request
To facilitate the processing of your request, kindly:

9.1 Use the prescribed form, available on the website of the Information Regulator at (Request for access to a record of Private Body)

9.2 Address your request to the Head of the Company (CEO).

9.3 Provide sufficient details to enable the ActiveCampaigns to identify:
(a) The record(s) requested;
(b) The requester (and if an agent is lodging the request, proof of capacity);
(c) The form of access required;
(d) (i) The postal address or fax number of the requester in the Republic;
(ii) If the requester wishes to be informed of the decision in any manner (in addition to written) the manner and particulars thereof;
(e) The right which the requester is seeking to exercise or protect with an explanation of the reason the record is required to exercise or protect the right.

Submit completed Request for Access form as well as payment of a request fee (if applicable) and a deposit (if applicable), to the Information Officer
at the physical address or email address stated above.

AgriOnline (PTY) Ltd will process the Request for Access within 30 days of receipt of the Request for Access unless the Request for
Access is of such a nature that an extension of the prescribed time limit is necessitated in accordance with section 57 of the Act.

10. Prescribed Fees (Section 51 (1) (f))
The following applies to requests (other than personal requests):
10.1 A requestor is required to pay the prescribed fees (R50.00) before a request will be processed;
10.2 If the preparation of the record requested requires more than the prescribed hours (six), a deposit shall be paid (of not more than one third of the access fee which would be payable if the request were granted);

10.3 A requestor may lodge an application with a court against the tender/payment of the request fee and/or deposit;
10.4 Records may be withheld until the fees have been paid.

10.5 The fee structure is available on the website of the SOUTH AFRICAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION at

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